Sunday 12 March 2017

Anna Soubrey mentions 4 newspapers that could be "frightening"

Apologies for long delay in posting. An update later and links to other things. It may work out in the end with more connections.

Today definite event that may become news. On the Daily Politics /BBC1 Anna Soubry was asked to guess how MPs will vote on the Lords amended EU bill. She mentioned that MPs may be frightened by 4 or mostly 2 newspapers. No further explanation was demanded by the interviewer. I have done a retweet asking for any clues as to what she means. Nothing so far but I found this from a while ago.

My guess is that the fourth may well be the Telegraph. But which two are most frightening is still unknown. Quality press has influence even with less circulation.

So this could be a new stage in how Fleet Street relates to Europe. Will UK media expect much of an audience on the continent after the debate? Will the BBC and other telly follow the newspaper agenda?

Not sure when but expect another post during the week.

By the way, the DailySunday Politics‏  ( @daily_politics on Twitter ) has a method I had not noticed previously to put quick clips from TV on to Twitter. ( this is the sort of thing that will help the blog later)

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