Tuesday 1 September 2020

Reporting Trump - CNN / BBC /Sky

 There will be more in this blog. But newspapers now have less influence from print circulation, more because broadcast media, especially BBC, repeat the opinions and choice of news.

So looking also a TV reporting on Trump. This will be current for next few months. And it may relate to past events such as how Brexit was reported.

When I cannot sleep I sometimes check CNN -  Don Lemon. Different style to UK, very direct on misinformation. ( Could be the same for Brexit, but this will also come from reports outside UK ).

I have found one clip from last night ( earlier UK this morning )

also uploaded BBC and Sky

Sky is offering some critique of Trump, BBC very close to just repeating what he has to say. Suggest you find other examples. This may seem a bit news crazy but it may offer clues on what happened. Don Lemon claims CNN is for people "who still believe in reality" , meaning I think some version of facts that can be reported. Since Brexit in UK very often reporting is just a list of options.