Tuesday 28 May 2019

BBC / newspapers and Conservative Party

Today press review starts just like BBC 5.30 news - Daily Mail on Labour and antisemitism then Telegraph on Labour revolt against Corbyn. My guess Telegraph is not the most dangerous source but the pattern seems to be clear.

BBC to host several events for potential Conservative leaders. But will they ask questions most of the UK population would be interested in? @bbcquestiontime has suggested that Farage posters from referendum are "ancient history". What actually happened? What are the links between UKIP and the Conservatives? Newsnight has done a Photoshop job on Corbyn as part of a red scare. @maitlis is obviously bored when Labour explains policy on bringing people together. How much time will she allow if Conservatives make similar claims? @afneil has described @carolecadwalladr as a "crazy cat lady". Why has the BBC ignored her main concerns? As repeated at Hay it is probable that Johnson and Gove knew about security concerns with aspects of the referendum. Will they be asked any questions?

How did the BBC get into this situation? they seem so mixed up in Brexit they cannot report on how it happened. Just my take.

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