Saturday 5 January 2019

BBC Today prog and newspapers, 2019 continues Brexit story

This morning I heard most of the Today prog and it seems things continue as before. Longish chat to John Redwood and Ken Clarke so both ends of the Conservative Party represented as balance. Labour voice against Oliver Cromwell though I could not follow what this was about. Main mention of Labour on Brexit through Polly Toynbee ( balanced by Sun ) so agreed quite fast no real possibility of general election so no point in what Corbyn proposes to talk about with EU. Moves on to the consensus for a new referendum.

So within the two hours nothing on what concerns are part of the Labour discussion, shared with those who might have suported Brexit / need to be persuaded for another referendum to get a different result. As memory serves and as in this blog whenever I check back, this is similar to how it started. Media see it as a story inside the Conservative Party. BBC more than most. Guardian not that interested in most Labour concerns, mostly some sort of shny centre.

BBC TV probably will be much the same. Depends on newspapers so ignores the falling circulation.

By the way, impression from Twitter is that a lot of new referendum supporters have given up any pretense at supporting Corbyn. Obviously using Brfexit as another form of attack. History of Polly Toynbee views on Corbyn is an issue.

Ken Clarke not the best rep for Remain. Chance of him being represented as isolated Westminster quite high.

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