Monday, 4 July 2022

#OxfordMidSummer Whips News and Missing News

 Since the election results I have been thinking about both the open material on part one and the more detailed work I may do on part two if there is an advance budget from somewhere. There turns out to be a lot of work. So far there have been notes in real time and it seems ok as a plot. But now there are events that could look back to previously. this sort of thing is part of a murder mystery. There are clues in what the audience has already been shown. Still it takes a bit of study from the writing process.

For new readers, there is a group of off duty police officers in a pub garden somewhere near Oxford. they have been joined by some friends / journalists. In part two the action moves closer but this all started just looking at Partygate and the Met from a distance.  Conversation now includes the Whips Office and someone remembers there was a police inquiry previously when some MPs thought the behaviour was close to blackmail. This inquiry was ended. Apparently some newer MPs may just not have understood what was normal.

I cannot find any reference to this in recent reporting of how a whip was appointed or what was happening in the office. Conversation will include how things have been reported or not reported.  As memory serves the story just quietly vanished. But some MPs may remember something. 

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