I am still interested in fiction as a way to deal with Brexit and the aftermath. In facts there are too many lies. The consequence has been a convention for the Conservative Party and supporting newspapers that anything can be told as a story. I am not sure who accepts this but the proper telly usually bases the news agenda on this sort of thing.
So I will explore info about Russian influence in UK between 2014 and current war. But it is so hidden / disputed that only fiction can cope. Part two of the murder mystery will have the outline of it, possibly some detail. Thee is a large country house but nobody knows who really owns it. There have been dealings in linked cottages and barns that may have been special deals for academics and journalists.
Today there is the start of reporting in a new phase, some info from Met Police plus #No10Sources claims that this is no longer a story of any interest for the UK public. So some version of the script can start now in real time. I say "script" but probably the start will be improv. Not much guidance will be needed, that is I won't get much time to put in a request. But this blog will take the form of background notes anyway.
The method is to start with forum theatre and move on to verbatim. Improv is a shortcut. Character definition depends on who is available. I will start with bits of dialogue. They can be allocated to characters some time later. So far the best bit of verbatim is
Does the PM require someone else to tell him where he is or where he was?
I refer the Honourable Lady to my previous answer.
Someone could just remember this. It will fit in somewhere.
So tonight a group of police officers will meet in a pub garden somewhere in travel range of Oxford . ( It is light quite late now, a bit cold. Natural light assumed for video because of budget plans )
Topics include the Telegraph mention of a retired civil servant, Guardian mention of a former #No10Sources person now at a newspaper. Can anyone guess a police source possibly connected to a journalist? Is it reasonable for Leveson to be used as reference for not naming names. What to make of Rees-Mogg claims the PM was misled before making statements to MPs. Will it turn out to be a mistake to announce things bit by bit?
So far this seems plausible as a situation. People from outside London may well discuss other organisations in a casual sort of way. The fiction will start with the first accident / death early in May.
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