Monday, 14 December 2020

#MarrMiliband Moving to Television / Social Media, newspapers in background

 Somehow the scope of this blog has moved away from print. It still relates back to newspapers but the issues appear through television and social media. This has changed since 2016. Later I will try to work out when this was. Probably different timescale for different people.

Yesterday I watched Ed Miliband on Marr show. It struck me the same issues arise as with Corbyn during the 2016 referendum. Topics such as worker rights and environment standards are not allowed or reported. Am I being alarmist? Going back to 2016 newspapers would be one way to show some evidence but it seems now the reporting can start anywhere and then move about. Ed Miliband had a solid critique on the current Johnson policy and suggested that there could be a continuing conversation with the EU about worker rights and environment standards. I was surprised how Marr shut down this topic first time and then countered by claiming as fact that there is no discussion or possibility around UK diverging from UK standards.

I did two clip videos to show how  in my view the #BBC / Marr had shut down the topic of worker rights / environment standards 

and also the claim as fact about possible changes.

Also the complete interview

Since then there have been several comments, mostly critical of Miliband but not getting into detail on what he said.

My memory of the referendum was that Corbyn mentioned worker rights and environment standards often. He was not well reported. He did not really control Labour at that time. Other voices supported Cameron emphasis on the economic risks. Media reported this, for example Lord Darling shared platform with Osborne. In my opinion the Corbyn arguments for supporting EU were more persuasive for Labour supporters.

Now today I have watched Politics Live. Alastair Campbell  mentioned the book - Sovereign Individual - as an explanation for Brexit. Also thee was discussion of how UK might diverge. I just do not accept what Marr claimed about facts. EU standards are an issue and have been for a long time. Newspapers and BBC have chosen not to report this or what Labour MPs have to say. The issue is not Corbyn as such, same treatment of Miliband.

There is a report in print Telegraph of Miliband interview. No mention of worker rights or environment standards. Nothing in Guardian I can find. 


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