Saturday, 7 December 2019

BBC Back Story

Scope of this blog still wandering about. I think newspapers have now lost it so much it is the Telly take that matters. Not sure, we seem to be in the dark completely. After the elcetion something may be clear. The papers do not have original reporting, they make things up. times has complaints about television, but no info on how many complaints to BBC were from Labour supporters. So not making much sense.

Russia an issue as supposed source of Labour info on NHS / Trump. the Russia Report creeping into background. So what story has got lost?

Peter Oborne suggests BBC assumes a policy pro government. So pro Conservative when referendum started. then pro Brexit. Reporting very inadequate throughout as far As I can make it out. Brexit turns out to be a disaster project but never explained. BBC too much part of the story to explore it well. when did the Russia angle become part of it? They may not have realised to start with.

But very clear the BBC wants to block Carole Cadwalladr. @afneil tweets, see previous posts.

We are getting almsot no recent history from telly. Leave campaign what happened on law, social media practice? Where are they now? What did Johnson and Gove know about what happened?

Something may turn up in the week. Something to come back to.

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