Sunday, 10 November 2019

Sunday Times Exclusive - #LiarJohnson model is Berlusconi

Page 22 of print version Sunday Times today starts off with a defence of Boris Johnson as a liar. Dominic Lawson quotes Lisa Thomas , Merthy Tydfil hairdresser, as seen on BBC Panorama as selected by David Dimbleby.  - Johnson "has been proved to be a liar (but) he's got balls of steel".  Lawson then suggests that Brexit supporters will accept Johnson as a liar as at least he is their liar. Later Lawson explains that Dominic Cummings intends to pitch "Boris" and "the people" against parliamentary obstructionism. Apparently Johnson has always believed in the #strong man" theory of politics.

In 2003 Johnson did a Berlusconi interview for the Spectator, described by Lawson as "intensely enthusiastic" .
"The Italian population liked him for his energy and they handsomely rewarded him...suddenly after decades in which Italian politics was in thrall to a procession of gloomy, portentious, jargon-laden partitocrats, there appeared this influoresence of American gung-hoery"
Not sure why Berlusconi seen as American abut the styles may have merged with Trump meanwhile in some versions.

The Spectator is behind a paywall but the article is available online. Anyone with access, please add comments. Not to blow out the copyright but to add to the debate. Extracts are ok for review and comment, assuming legal precedent continues.

So how far have we gone towards a similar UK situation as when Berlusconi was PM in Italy? there may be reports on Russian influence but we do not know the contents. Johnson has influence on the Telegraph and it seems the Conservative Party can rely on Sun/Times/Telegraph/Mail . BBC Marr show ignores Observer in papers review, avoiding mention of another situation postponed till after the election. Possibly a coincidence but could be a trend. Time will tell.

Also interesting as background are reports about parties in Italy such as this one in Guardian

source : TASS

Until the report about Russian involvement in UK politics is published, speculation will continue.

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