Saturday, 1 June 2019

Scope expanded to include Trump as well as Brexit and Europe

This next week seems to get more obvious that in 2016 events around Trump and Brexit were connected. Not sure how. Mueller report still obscure in some ways. BBC not reporting topics raised by Carole Cadwalladr but maybe they know something else.

This morning Sun has exclusive interview with Trump. He backs Bojo . Follow up in Times with more local info. Downing Street relaxed about a meeting. But Express reports Farage has been told he will not be allowed to meet Trump. so much of interest for next week. compare with meetings in Trump Tower after the 2016 election.

These include an interview with Gove, then working as a Times journalist. Was Murdoch close by? We may never know but there seems to be a connection. Audio from the recent interview has been made available to the Today prog on BBC Radio 4. Maybe Fox has a copy also. Seems that BBC has access on a similar level to Fox. What will turn up next week?

Meanwhile, from Fox recently. Search Youtube for other clips that show Farage in recent years. The UK now definitely part of #PlanetFOX

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