Sunday, 24 July 2016

Digital Storytelling - case study Newsnight and EU Referendum

Background, during the Radio 1 Academy in Exeter as part of the Big Weekend I went to a session on digital storytelling, mostly about news with Evan Davis as part of the panel. So far I have not edited out many clips but I will link to some later.

The EU Referendum could be an example of how stories can be written from different points of view. Also how they are rewritten as part of another story. During the election for a Labour leader we will hear various versions of what happened during the referendum. See previous posts for where I observed major contributions by Corbyn, quite unlike what is widely reported.

I realise the Newsnight report has to be short, but it misses out not only Corbyn but any LAbour involvement at all. It says the Remain momentum dropped away with the end of government resources  (6.13 ) then around 6.33 there was a  mid June  "reach out" on immigration. It may be because of the same phase in the polls that there was a "reach out" to Labour by deliberately putting Cameron in the background.

I think there is still no information on how this decision was taken. If government had been driving the issues and presentation previously, what conversations happened between Britain Stronger in Europe , Labour In, and the Labour Party as in Corbyn? The sonsequence seems to have been to put up front several previous leaders, in particular George Brown.

Later in the Newsnight during the discussion Nick Clegg said that "the Punishment Budget almost made him want to vote Leave". No mention though that Lord Darling shared the platform with Osborne, that Osborne claimed Darling and LAbour would support such a budget if 60 Tory rebels voted against, or that Corbyn had to state this was not going to happen.

Around 9.18 Corbyn on EU described as "less than enthusiastic" on narrative and as a "nightmare" by Will Straw Executive Director    Britain Stronger in Europe  ( Labour )

My guess is that the sort of distance apparent in the leadership discussion could have existed before the EU referendum. Probably Will Straw and Alan Johnson were more relaxed about working with a Cameron agenda. Corbyn said he was "not a catastrophist" which I think meant he would not go along with extreme claims. His case for remain was very different, see previous posts.

Previously I uploaded to YouTube a clip including the heckle, widely assumed on Twitter to have been arranged by someone connected to Portland Communications. Now it seems Newsnight will be uploading loads of content anyway.

So digital storytelling can continue, in a multitude of versions.

The 800 page hardback may wait a few years, For inside info on who  said what to who and who else knew when, we will just have to follow the tweets.

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