Wednesday, 4 May 2016

BBC under pressure

A Guardian report suggests that John Whittingdale has told students about his views on the BBC.

The pro-Brexit minister added that the corporation “finds it difficult to take seriously people who have a different view of the world” and “has always regarded people who want to leave Europe as faintly mad [and] it has generally been in favour of spending public money rather than those who want to see lower taxes”.

The BBC is also under pressure from Cameron and Osborne. They may also decide on ways to take away cash. 

This may explain why the news programs often seem to be "balanced" joint statements with the opposite of every claim being added on. The whole debate seems to be happening within the Conservative Party. Also the BBC seems obliged to follow the agenda of most Fleet Street titles. 

The last thing to expect is that the Brexit press will be described as "faintly mad".

More after the local elections.

One interesting thing will be how Cameron may switch to a slightly adjusted take on immigration.

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