Apologies for not updating this blog. I have decided to maintain it over the next few months but I do get distracted by other things. Hard to know where to start though. I have been buying occasional copies of the Sun, Telegraph and Times. It may be a closed world, quite a surprise for someone usually viewing BBC / reading Guardian.
Most surprising so far the Sun on March 3rd. Beeb's Army editorial complains that BBC has 37 journalists reporting Super Tuesday. "No, it's not half-price day at Tesco's." Probably right that many people would prefer BBC3 to continue as proper telly but this is a bit strange to object to international reporting so obviously. Maybe not, I may get used to this when the headlines grab me.
What strikes me most is that the big stories are intended to block opinions in favour of Europe from parrticular sources, so far the Queen and the Governor of the Bank of England are the most obvious. Times March 9th page 12 "Bank Chief Under Fire For Praising EU Benefits" mostly about the criticism of Mark Carney, not much about what he said.
Sunday Times 13th March page 21 Tim Shipman offers background to Sun story on the Queen. " She gave an FCO-approved speech at a state dinner in Berlin last June calling for unity in Europe". Apparently this was seen as a "pro-EU tract". Is she supposed not to visit Berlin? If this is her official view could it not be more widely reported?
Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian has suggested the out campaign may regret the effect of the leaks on support for the monarchy. I am not so sure that News International or Rupert Murdoch might not be relaxed about a republic. Of course this is speculation but just a possibility to consider during this blog. What would most people think in the USA?
One web link as I am not buying the Daily Mail very often.
Pro-Brexit minister is believed to be source of Queen's reported remarks
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3489006/Michael-Gove-does-not-rule-source-Queen-Backs-Brexit-story.html#ixzz42sQA9YYv
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According to Tim Shipman Cameron will wait on the IPSO investigation before Sir Jeremy Heywood would become involved. However long this takes my guess is that Gove, like Boris, has a more secure future in journalism than government.
Good news for this blog then but too much copy to keep up with.
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